Tuesday 16 October 2007

... about Free Paris (May 2007)

I know I’m not the only one who is sick of celebrities getting a soft touch from the judicial system. Not a week goes by when grimy-fingered crack-troubadour Pete Doherty isn't arrested, only to be pardoned a few days later.
I was cheered, therefore, when Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer sentenced Paris Hilton to 45 days in Los Angeles County jail for breaching a driving ban.
Unsurprisingly, I dislike Paris Hilton. It appalls me that this woman is lauded as an icon by so many people. I can’t see anything remotely praiseworthy about her. She is famous primarily for being an heiress. Her fame was bolstered by the leaking of a sex tape. She has made huge amounts of money for starring in a television programme being (or at least appearing to be) incompetent, useless and dumb. What exactly is there to love? Her gift to the English language is the dazzling epithet “That’s hot.” Compare that to the pithy proclamations of latter-day female powerhouses (Dorothy Parker, Gertrude Stein, Susan Sontag) and you’ll see my point. Some claim that she’s only pretending to be stupid, as if that makes it better. It doesn’t.
And so her legions of fans are bleating at the unfairness, the sheer injustice that’s been poured upon their boss-eyed heroine. Already there's a website dedicated to putting right this heinous wrong. (http://www.freeparis.org/ if you’re interested)
Facebook and MySpace groups have popped up like swathes of acne. A member of one such group writes “Paris Hilton is too hot to go to jail.” This young sage of Generation Y (or, more appropriately, Why?) is not unusual in his thinking. Another admits “I dont know what else to say except.... thats hot?”
These ‘people power’ crusades crop up all over the internet. Feed Nicole, Free Katie Holmes, Feed Mary-Kate. If we gave that much thought to who we elect as our leaders, perhaps the world wouldn’t be on its knees.

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